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Fine Art Portrait Photographer

Hi, I'm Kirsty, the person behind the camera. 


I have always had a passion for photography, thanks to my Grandma. She would always have a camera with her wherever we went, and these were the days before smart phones and digital cameras. When I was a child, my Grandmother printed ALL her images, she has a photo album of every single film and to this day I love going to her house, putting my feet up on the sofa and looking through old images with her.


She would always pass me the camera so that I could take some shots too, and I will always remember how she would show my photos off with pride. I have vivid memories of my Mum picking me up from my Grandmother's house and my Grandmother taking the photographs out of the envelope to show her what I had taken. 


I believed in myself as a photographer from an early age because she believed in me.


But who knew all these years later I would be a photographer? I was a singer. I took my Grandfathers talent and I sang for many years as thats what everyone expected from me. I still love to sing but for various reasons, I put the microphone down and picked the camera up and I genuinely have never looked back. (Although I do love a bit of karaoke-and you may hear me singing without realising in your session)


My passion is Fine Art Photography, capturing the stories of everyone who enters my studio. Creating storytelling images is what I adore and nothing gives me greater pleasure than to see my work displayed in your homes.


 I am so blessed to be able to mentor other photographers from all over the world. Sharing my knowledge and passion with other creatives on Child Portraiture. I have a mentoring group with over 35,000 members to date and some of your images help them to learn and grow their own skills, something that makes me feel immensely proud and privileged.


My main priority is to provide you with timeless and stunning art work to hang on your walls, images that will last longer than myself and, of course, for you to leave my studio with a smile on your face. 





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CONTACT KIRSTY 07948077984

T&C's. If you do not complete the form sent to you within 14 days of your session then your time slot will be resold and your session cancelled. The retainer is NON REFUNDABLE. 

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